2insights – is among the leading market research firms in the UK and specialized in conducting Customised Research and Market Research Analysis Reports. We facilitate the research processes of our clients through solutions that combine our industry and market expertise, technology, and access to a vast pool of qualified talent. Our Data analysis team has deep analytical skills with the capability to handle all complex level data, using different tools and techniques. Tools used for analysis: Quantum, SPSS, SAS, or any relevant software the client requires. Outputs will be delivered in Excel, SPSS, Word, and PowerPoint. When the data is collected from different methods like CATI, CAPI, CAWI, single or multi-country we can give support to your data and provide you with the required output. Our clients have benefited from innovative analytics solution that has contributed significantly to the quality and timeliness of data, information or research requirements

The analysis we perform:

  • Brand Awareness Mapping
  • Brand Valuation Analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Conjoint Analysis
  • Dashboard Development
  • Forecasting
  • Landscape Analysis
  • M&A Intelligence
  • Market Analytics
  • Market Assessment
  • Market Entry
  • Market Segmentation
  • Market Sizing
  • Price Sensitivity Testing
  • Sales Analytics
  • Salesforce Effectiveness


A final aspect of data interpretation involves making decisions on how to present and explain your findings to others. 2Insights Research reporting team helps our clients by providing highly effective/insightful reports and presentations. We use PowerPoint, Excel, Word, and PDF. Our reports and presentations include a wide range of market research standard outputs. 2insights Research team has the ability to write effective reports by organizing the results in such a way that it allows readers to find the most important information easily. Our team uses text, charts, and tables to present analysis result giving key insights which will help in Decision making.

Being an ESOMAR member we follow the ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics.