EGYPT Market Research - 2insights

2insights – Leading Egypt market research companies in Cairo specialized in Egypt & International Consumer and Healthcare Market Research, Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection Services. We are a full service market research company providing Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research in Egypt. We are among the top market research companies in Egypt specializing in Consumer, Healthcare, Travel, and Tourism Market Research and Data Collection Services. Our team is an expert in Focus Group, IDI, Tracked Online CAPI, CAWI, CATI, and Market Research Surveys. We have a dedicated team of local language interviewers and have access to targeted respondents cost-effectively and efficiently.

Through our deep knowledge base, skills, expertise, exposure, and industry experience, we apply the right research techniques, giving you help and guidance, and taking your project from initial concept through to completion and implementation.

Every research project is approached using industry expertise, creativity, and innovation so that the best methodology and techniques are used to arrive at the understanding necessary for clients to make the right business decisions.

Being an ESOMAR member we follow the ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics.

We employ a wide range of research techniques including:

  • Advertising Research
  • Brand Research
  • B2B Research
  • Concept Testing
  • Consumer Research
  • Customer Satisfaction Research
  • Entertainment Research
  • Ethnographic Research
  • Eye Tracking and Facial Coding
  • Focus Groups
  • Sensory Research
  • Healthcare Research
  • Industrial Research
  • Lifestyle Research
  • Media Communication Research
  • Mystery Shopping
  • One-on-One Research
  • Package Research
  • Secondary Research
  • Sensory Research
  • Usability Testing

Our 6 Steps for Market Research Process

  • 1. Define the problem

  • 2. Develop Research Plan

  • 3. Research Design Formulation

  • 4. Gather Relevant Data

  • 5. Interpret Data and Findings

  • 6. Take Actionable Insights


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