Consulting (first ipsum from dolor amet nulla)
Through our deep knowledge base, skills, expertise, exposure, and industry experience, we apply the right research techniques, giving you help and guidance, and taking your project from initial concept through to completion and implementation.
Every research project is approached using industry expertise, creativity, and innovation so that the best methodology and techniques are used to arrive at the understanding necessary for clients to make the right business decisions.
We provide following market research services in Egypt.
Central Location Test Egypt
A Central Location Test (CLT) is a research technique where participants are recruited to take part in a research on a central location to test a products or concepts. It is a very cost effective method to test multiple products with a large group of participants in one day. We can recruit specific target group to participate in a Central Location Testing in Egypt. All the participants can come to a central location to test the products or concepts.
Online Panel Egypt
We provide online community panel in Egypt. Our panel members can participate in discussions, surveys, and focus group activities on an online platform. We can provide panels that can be tailored to specific demographics or interests. we can recruit the right participant and retain them so that a continuity can be maintained.
CATI in Egypt
A CATI is a research technique where participants are contacted over the phone using specialized software. We conduct CATI in Egypt as we do have access to large panel. Our client can program their survey and provide the survey link or we can program and administer it to the right audiences. It is very cost effective and can be helpful in conducting research on sensitive topics.
CAWI in Egypt
A CAWI is a research technique where participants receive the survey link and participate in the survey. We conduct CAWI in Egypt as we do have access to large panel . Our client can program their survey and provide the survey link or we can program and administer it to the right audiences so that they can fill out at their own pace and convenience. It is more affordable than any other research method.
In-Depth Interviews (IDI) in Egypt
An In-Depth Interviews is a research technique where participants are recruited to take part in a research wherein Interviewer ask broad questions to get the in-depth response from the participant. We can recruit specific target group to participate in a IDIs in Egypt. We conduct both online and offline IDIs in B2B and B2C Segments.
Focus Group Discussion Egypt
A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is a research technique where participants are recruited to take part in a moderated Group discussion on a research topic. We can recruit specific target group to participate in a Focus Group in Egypt. We conduct both online and offline Focus Groups in both B2B and B2C Segments.
Mystery Shopping Egypt
Mystery Shopping is a method used by companies to evaluate the customer experience and service quality in their stores, restaurants, or other service-based environments. In this process our team member will visit store as a regular customer and will use a set of criteria to assess, such as service quality, product availability, pricing and employee behavior.
Being an ESOMAR member we follow the ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics.
Consulting (first ipsum from dolor amet nulla)
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